Grand Strand Quilters
Myrtle Beach, SC
Since 1986, Sharing with the Community
and Fellow Quilters
GSQ Bylaws
Download a copy of the Grand Strand Quilters Bylaws HERE
Download a copy of the Grand Strand Quilters Program Committee Guidelines HERE
Grand Strand Quilters Bylaws
Article I. Name
The name of this group shall be Grand Strand Quilters (GSQ).
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of GSQ shall be as follows:
To provide an opportunity for Quilters of all ages and skills to benefit from shared experiences.
To stimulate an interest in quilting.
To provide quilting educational opportunities through programs, lectures and workshops.
To provide sewn projects to various organizations or institutions that can utilize these projects with special consideration to charitable non-profit organizations.
Article III. Members
The number of members shall not exceed the room capacity of 300.
All those interested in the art of quilting are eligible for membership, regardless of quilting experience, or skill level.
Dues are payable in January or upon attending your second meeting. Guests may attend a total of two (2) regular meetings as a visitor
Paid members will receive an electronic newsletter and be listed in the GSQ roster, which will be distributed by March.
No member shall receive any compensation for her/his service in such capacity, except that the Board of Directors may, by resolution, provide for reimbursement for actual disbursements expended on behalf of or in service to the Board of Directors. Members who provide teaching services and/or conduct programs (i.e., trunk shows) to the guild may be paid a program or teaching fee.
Article IV. Definitions of Officers, Executive Board, and Board of Directors of GSQ
The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Board as listed above and Committee Chairpersons.
Article V. Elections
In October, a Nominating Committee of no less than three (3) members shall be appointed. Any person currently serving as an officer cannot be a member of this committee.
The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each office.
The election shall take place at the first meeting in December. Nominations from the floor shall be permitted, with the nominee’s consent having first been obtained.
All elected officers shall serve one full year, beginning at the first meeting in January the following year, renewable for an additional year.
No officer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive elected terms in the same office
In the event an officer is unable to serve the full term of office, an alternate shall be appointed by the Executive Board with approval by the Board of Directors. At the expiration of this term, this appointee may then be elected for two (2) additional full terms in this office.
Article VI. The duties of the officers are as follows:
The GSQ President shall
Preside over all meetings.
Provide typed agendas for each of the Officers.
Sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
Appoint the Ad Hoc Committee chairpersons.
Be responsible for overseeing of the weekly newsletter and updating the web site as appropriate.
Shall serve as a member of the Program or Charity committee, acting as a liaison between the committee and the Executive Board.
The GSQ Vice President shall
Assume leadership of GSQ whenever the President is unable.
Perform other duties as assigned by the President.
Shall serve as a member of the Program or Charity committee, acting as a liaison between the committee and the Executive Board.
The GSQ Secretary shall
Record minutes during all Board of Directors and Executive Board of Directors Meetings.
Conduct all official GSQ correspondence.
Maintain the official By-Laws.
Annotated agendas will serve as minutes for the business meeting
The GSQ Treasurer shall
Be responsible for the collection of all monies for GSQ.
Maintain accurate records of all deposits to and disbursements from the GSQ bank account.
Issue monthly reports showing beginning balance, income, expenses and ending balance to members.
Sign checks.
Prepare a yearly report to be presented in January.
Article VII. Meetings
The meeting year is from January 1 through December 31.
Guild Meetings shall be held weekly unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. Business will generally be conducted on the first and third meetings of the month whereby voting on any matters will take place. In months with 5 weeks, it will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors
The first meeting in January shall be known as the Annual Meeting and shall be for the purpose of receiving written reports from GSQ officers and chairpersons, for inclusion in the permanent record.
A quorum, necessary for passage of all votes presented to the membership, shall be equal to a majority in attendance.
Article VIII. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet at least quarterly, with additional meetings held as deemed necessary by the Executive Board.
Article IX. Ad Hoc Committees and Chairperson Responsibilities
These committees and chairpersons may be active or inactive depending on the needs of the organization. Ad Hoc Committees are not limited to the following and additional committees may be appointed for special functions.
Membership Chairperson – This chairperson shall be responsible for collection of annual dues, with all monies then given to the GSQ Treasurer for bank deposit. Upon receipt of annual dues, she/he will present a membership card to the member. She/he shall prepare and maintain membership roster. The membership roster will be electronically distributed to all members in March; updated versions will be distributed upon request. Changes to email addresses will be shared with the Newsletter Editor when received.
The Finance Committee shall consist of the President, Treasurer, and one additional member appointed by the President. The Finance Committee shall prepare an annual balanced budget in December to be presented to the Board of Directors in January, and to the Membership in February. Expenditures not approved by the Board of Directors in this budget must be presented to the Board of Directors for approval. This Committee shall arrange for an annual review of the financial records.
Hospitality Chairperson – Shall coordinate the Tea Party, Thanksgiving gathering, Holiday gathering, summer lunches and associated supplies as needed.
Program Chairperson – This chairperson shall arrange for the program presentations. She/he shall invite at least two (2) additional members to assist her/him. She/he shall be free to delegate special project leadership roles to other members. She/he shall present program suggestions for approval by the Board and shall be responsible for securing written contracts with all instructors. She/he shall submit a program budget to the Finance Committee at the January Board of Directors meeting.
Sunshine Chairperson – This chairperson shall send cards for get well, thinking of you and sympathy as the need is made known to her/him and shall provide this information to the Newsletter editor for inclusion in the next Newsletter and at the next guild meeting so that we may maintain contact with our members.
Charity Chairperson – The chairperson monitors and purchases materials (i.e. batting, fabric, etc.) for charity projects and obtains Board of Directors approval. She/he is responsible for overseeing the storage of supplies and making sure they are available at the time of the project. The Chairperson shall coordinate with the charitable organizations that we support. She/he shall submit a charity budget request to the Finance Committee at the January Board of Directors Meeting.
Web Master – Shall maintain the web site with pertinent information as needed.
Article X. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern GSQ in all cases to which they are applicable.
Article XI. Amendment of By-Laws
These by-laws may be amended at any business meeting of GSQ by two-thirds vote of attendees, if the amendment has been submitted in writing to the Executive Board at least ten (10) days before being submitted to the membership.
Dissolution of Organization
In the event of dissolution of the organization, it shall be the responsibility of the Executive Board to ensure that all assets of the organization are distributed to a non-profit charitable organization with special consideration given to those that GSQ has supported during its existence.