Grand Strand Quilters
Myrtle Beach, SC
Since 1986, Sharing with the Community
and Fellow Quilters
Favorite Tools – April 7, 2022
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Please note that links might not be the brand the quilter recommends, but just to give you an idea of what the product is and how it might be used.
Book ½” to ¾”
Put under your sewing machine on the back side. It makes it easier to see the needle and throat plate.
Bonnie Sisak
Wrap binding around the cylinder, hang it around your neck so the binding rolls off as you sew.
Brenda Call
Bonnie Hunter Essential Triangle Tool
Accurate half square triangles
Nancy Carder
Bungee Chair
No back ache when sewing
Brenda Call
Turning pillowcase corners and placemats
Jan McGinty
Cuts accurate circles
Paula Batson
Ginger Tappen
For cutting apart strip piecing units
Linda Bradley
Making half square triangles
Nan Jacoby
Linda Finegan
Throw your pins at it
Joanne Quicksell
Easy way to make ACCURATE half square triangles
Joan Cormier
For turning tubes, grabbing threads
Mary Lou Zerby
Makes seams flat up to 8 layers
Maxi Lardiere
For pinning when you can’t pin
Lucy Whitney
Martelli 5” charm Template
Cut 5 inch charm squares from scraps
Eileen Mosley
To remove bobbins from the case and insert sewing machine needles
Cathy Auguste
Needle Threader and Threaded needle holder
Threads fine threads for applique and hand quilting
Louisa Jordan
The name says it all
Bobbi Callison
Guiding seams
Jane Rud